Alastair Pell

By Kevin Henderson, May 28, 2015


Kevin is exceptional! My main sport is road bike racing as a veteran and I also ski and play tennis. I was getting frustrated at being dropped from the bunch in too many Cat 3/4 bike races and wasn’t getting much better despite following one of the many generic training programmes available in the cycling mags & books. To commit to another season my training had to be specific to my needs particularly for intensity & volume, specific workouts and rest days. I didn’t trust generic training programmes to provide this.

Kevin’s sports-specific knowledge, coupled with his enthusiasm, motivational skills and long experience with modern training techniques makes him the perfect coach/trainer. Exceptionally gifted at analysing training needs he gives me a personalised power meter-based training programme that he updates on a weekly basis taking account of the season, need for progression, my form and race plans. He achieves this through regular 1:1 personal training sessions for core and strength coupled with analysis of uploaded training sessions.

Training with Kevin removes the doubts I’ve experienced previously about the specificity of my training and I can take take on a greater volume and intensity without fear of burnout. It is great fun to train like a pro with the confidence that the gains are being maximised from each block of training. I’ve been sporty and fit all my life but probably have never been in such good shape and love the feeling of seeing my fitness and form improve on the bike, in my other sports and in normal daily life.