Running With A Power Meter

Introduction to Running with Power Meters

Power meters have been around for many years in cycling, but their use in running is much less explored by...

Seven of the UK’s Best Triathlons for 2021

We’ve picked seven of our favourite UK triathlons for you to do in 2021 for a bit of winter motivation...
Dragon Ride Wales

Blackzone Coaching’s Top 8 UK Sportives for 2021

We’ve compiled a list of some of the best sportives in the UK for 2021, all being well. The last...
Training calendar


There is no need to stress just how little has gone to plan in 2020, with many of us unable...
Aero Wheels & Tyres for Time Trials & Triathlons

Aero Wheels & Tyres for Time Trials & Triathlons

One of the key factors which play a part in any cycling time trial or triathlon is ensuring that the...

COVID-19 Update From Head Coach Kevin

Blackzone Coaching remains fully operational. Our training plans and coaching are conducted online and sessions can be taken using home...
indoor cyclist

Cycling To Power – Guest Blog by Sarah Heward

Cycling to Power – New to it? Still learning about it? Not yet an expert in this area! If so,...
Cycling training Mallorca

Cycling Training Client With A New Structure

Below is an interesting file from a female cycling training client of ours who is more of a climber than...